Requires Unity 2017.1.1 or higher.
uMOBA is a simple and powerful project that contains all the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena core features.
* Fully Unity + UNET based
* Same sc ripts for Client & Server
* Beautiful, customizable UI
* Huge MOBA sized map
* Uses Unity\\\\’s new UI system
* Players, Monsters, NPCs
* Jungle Creeps
* Towers, Barracks, Bases
* Fog of War & Team Proximity Checker
* Movement via Navigation
* Animations via Mecanim
* Beautiful 3D Models
* Top, Middle, Bottom Lanes
* Team based Health Bars
* Team, All, Whisper, Info Chat
* Minimap
* Levels
* Skills & Buffs, AoE Skills, Skill Levels
* Items & Gold
* Hero Selection
* NPC Trading
* PvP
* Weighted NavMesh Areas for Monster AI
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